My classmate is Bangkit kasandi. He is 17 years old and he is from sewon Bantul. His face is ovale. His hair is short and straight. His ears are small. His eyebrOws are short,and his eyelashes are long. His eyes are brown. His nose is not short and not long. His cheecks are brown and smooth. His mouth is small, and his lips colored natural, her purple white. Bangkit is a SMK N 2 YOGYA student. He doesn’t know what job she wants to travel a lot in the school.
Mart 31 2009
BalasHapus(AMT 1)
My classmate is Bangkit kasandi. He is 17 years old and he is from sewon Bantul. His face is ovale. His hair is short and straight. His ears are small. His eyebrOws are short,and his eyelashes are long.
His eyes are brown. His nose is not short and not long. His cheecks are brown and smooth. His mouth is small, and his lips colored natural, her purple white. Bangkit is a SMK N 2 YOGYA student. He doesn’t know what job she wants to travel a lot in the school.